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Friday 15 March 2002

eNewsletter launched with global contents

Launch of an Online Newsletter

In early 2000s, there were few printed magazines on ‘Communication and Management’ to cater to corporate professionals and students. Most of the foreign magazines were too expensive for the Indian market. Against this background, in the year 2002, the Foundation decided to launch an online newsletter to update the professionals and the
students on communication- and management related news and knowledge.
PRPoint Newsletter Vol 1 released online through prpoint group
The first online newsletter named PRPoint Newsletter, was published in March 2002. It
contained an exclusive interview with Mr. Frank M. Shediac, an American communication
professional from Hongkong. He spoke on the subject, “Business to Business, or B2B Public Relations”. Within the following trimester, the Foundation published eight editions of the newsletter, covering varied themes, with interviews. The interviews for these editions were arranged through email correspondence. The newsletters were distributed online through auto responders.

update made in May 2002

Shortcomings in PRPoint Newsletter

During this experimental period of the online newsletter, the editions contained articles on
themes, which were not quite contemporary but of visionary nature. For example, the
newsletter covered an article about the emergence of blogs when blogs were not popular at that time. Hence, PRPoint Newsletter failed to sustain the interest of many readers as it did not cover contemporary themes and technology. The newsletter was discontinued after 8 issues.