India Vision 2020 - Role of youth in building strong India
Eligibility for participation
Student of any University / College in Tamilnadu and Pondicherry (Arts, Science, professional colleges, Universities)
No. of words (maximum)
1000 (English or Tamil)
Last date for submission of the essay
31st March 2003
Other conditions
The essay should be written by the student on his own effort and no reproduction of a published article permitted. The essay should accompany a certificate to this effect from the Professor.
No entry charges
The essays should be sent by registered post to
Prime Point Foundation, Old No 8 New No 14 Wason Street, T Nagar, Chennai 600017
First Prize
Cash Prize of Rs.5000/- plus to-fro train fare and accommodation at Chennai for attending the award function
Second Prize
Cash prize Rs.3,000/- - plus to-fro train fare and accommodation at Chennai for attending the award function
Chairman of Jury Committee
Dr Y S Rajan, a well known scientist and close associate of Dr Abdul Kalam, President of India
Wednesday, 8 January 2003
Essay Competition on India Vision 2020
Prime Point Foundation, a non profit public trust promoting the public relations and communication awareness announces an 'Essay competition' for the College students as follows :
For more details send mail to (Contact number at Chennai 2814 4285 / 98410 50273)