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Sunday, 17 November 2013

Deplorable quality of debates in Tamil TV channels

TV debates in Tamil Channels 

Between 7 pm and 10 pm every day, all the Tami channels telecast debates on various themes, whether relevant or irrelevant. The quality of the debates are highly deplorable. Among the political parties only BJP and Congress are represented. None of the regional parties take part. The so called 'social workers' also join the panel. There are ready made panelists (other than political party spokespersons) who can participate in any channel, any time on any topic. These panelists can talk (most of the time shout) on theme ranging from rural politics to international politics, science and technology, nuclear physics, rocket science, kapadi to international chess, cricket or olympics, etc. They use languages which are not of good taste. How can a single person be an authority on all the subjects? They come to the debate with assumed information and start shouting in the discussions, to win a point. I see many times, the panelists with real knowledge go unnoticed, unheard and remain silent, because some other panelist intervenes often countering the points without waiting for his turn. 

More than this, the channels are highly biased, based on their affiliation. In most of the debates, either Congress or BJP gets isolated. They make 3 panelists to oppose one person. I am not able to understand this logic of lining up three persons against one. 

The big question is what the listeners get ultimately in these debates. Only the noise prevails. 

After Sathyam TV incident, wherein a caller abused in vulgar terms the Chief Minsiter of Tamil Nadu and the woman panelist,  a time has come that the TV channels should introspect among themselves and produce a decent, healthy and balanced (without bias) debates, so that the audience get the right information. 

Temporarily, I have stopped watching Tamil TV channel debates.


Monday, 11 November 2013

PR helps to manage competition and ignoring PR during crisis will be disasterous

L to R: Jhon Arockiaswamy (GRI), Prime Point Srinivasan, Sakthi Prasanna (MSL Group).  Divya Ganesan (GRI) leading the discussion
L to R: Jhon Arockiaswamy (GRI), Prime Point Srinivasan,
Sakthi Prasanna (MSL Group).
Divya Ganesan (GRI) leading the discussion
Srishti jointly with Indian Institute of Technology, Madras organised a two day programme for students interested in entrepreneurship inviting various speakers on various themes.  
A panel discussion on  'Public Relations and Communication was also included as  one session.  

Prime Point Srinivasan (Prime Point Public Relations and Prime Point Foundation), Jhon Arokiaswamy (COO, Good Relations India P Limited), Sakthi Prasanna (Sr. Manager, MSL Group) and Divya Ganesan (Accounts Executive, Good Relations India P Limited) were the panelists, representing the four generations of public relations professionals in India.

Divya Ganesan moderated the discussions with lead presentation.  The discussions were held on the importance of Public Relations, strategies, tools, managing brand image through public relations, crisis management were discussed.  

Srinivasan also quoted as to how corporates cut the PR budget and PR time whenever they face crisis, leading to more expenditure and complicating the crisis. He said that this phenomenon is prevalent mostly in India due to lack of PR awareness among the educational institutions providing MBA courses and also among the Corporate CEOs.

Panelists appreciated Hari Balaji VR of Srishti for including PR as one of the sessions for the budding entrepreneurs.


Increase cyber crime awareness among all stakeholders

Dr Chellappan, Justice Jyothimani, S S Ramasubbu.  V Rajendran on podium
Dr Chellappan, Justice Jyothimani, S S Ramasubbu.  V Rajendran on podium
Cyber Society of India organsed an one-day workshop on 'Combating Cyber Crimes: Compliance and evidence" on Saturday the 9th November 2013 jointly with Anna University, Chennai at the University auditorium.  Dr Justice Jyothimani (Member Judicial, National Green Tribunal, New Delhi), Shri S S Ramasubbu, (Member of Parliament, Tirunelveli) and Dr C Chellappan, Dean of the University participated and shared their views.  

While inaugurating the workshop Justice Dr Jyothimani insisted on creating cyber crime awareness among the investigating agencies, advocates and judicial officers.  Due to lack of knowledge, many cyber crimes go undetected or unpunished, he said.  He also suggested even an act to be passed in the Parliament.

Shri Ramasubbu MP assured to take up all the suggestions received from Cyber Society of India in the ensuing winter session of the Lok Sabha.

In the day long workshop, many cyber experts, investigators, lawyers, users spoke on the various theme.

Those who are interested to know about Cyber Society of India activities may kindly visit www.cysi.in 


Thursday, 7 November 2013

C K Sardana's book "The Challenge of Public Relations" - Second edition released

Ram Naresh Yadav, Governor of M.P., formally released the book on October 01, 2013 at an impressive function at Bhopal. On extreme right is the writer, C.K. Sardana. Next to him is K.S. Sharma, Former Chief Secretary, M.P. Government.
Ram Naresh Yadav, Governor of M.P., formally released the book on October 01, 2013 at an impressive function at Bhopal. On extreme right is the writer, C.K. Sardana. Next to him is K.S. Sharma, Former Chief Secretary, M.P. Government.
Shri Ram Naresh Yadav, Governor of Madhya Pradesh formally released the second edition of the book titled "The Challenge of Public Relations' on 1st October 2013, authored by Shri C K Sardana, one of the veterans in the Indian Public Relations industry.  

Shri Sardana during 1980s and 1990s was heading the Corporate Communication Department of BHEL, one of the biggest Public Sector Undertakings of India.  After 1991, when the liberalisation process started in India, he was building awareness about PR among the Public Sector organisations.  He was also the President of the Public Sector PR Forum at Delhi.  

I personally know Mr Sardana from early 1990, when he was the President of Public Sector PR Forum. In early 1990s, I used to have lot of discussions with him on various aspects of PR and he used to share his rich experience with me.

With that influence and  with the support and guidance of Mr S Narendra, then  PIB Chief and Advisor to the then Prime Minister, we  started a similar Public Sector PR Forum at Chennai to bring together all the Public Sector organisations and to create PR awareness.  

The challenge of Public Relations by C K Sardana
In his book (206 pages), through 18 chapters, Mr Sardana has brought out in  lucid style various aspects of Public Relations concept. Though the first edition was published in 1995, immediately after the launch of liberalisation era, he has revised the second edition with additional inputs, including sensitive case studies like Bhopal gas leak,  to educate the new generation PR professionals.

There may be changes in the style and practise of public relations in the current social media era.  But whatever be the changes in the communication medium, we need to remember that the target group viz. human beings remain unchanged. Public Relations professionals deal with the human beings, their sentiments, their emotions, their culture, etc. Many eminent communication professionals have endorsed this book in their foreword.  I personally feel this a good handbook for the young PR and Corpcom professionals and corporate CEOs, to understand the nuances of the PR concept.. 

This book is published by Har-Anand Publications Pvt Limited, New Delhi and priced at Rs.225/-.

News report dated 2nd October 2013 in Hitavada
News report dated 2nd October 2013 in Hitavada
Shri Sardana after retirement is now settled at Bhopal, mentoring young communication professionals.  He can be reached at casardana@gmail.com.

I am very proud that one of my senior colleagues has brought out the second edition of his book on public relations, which has been released by the Governor of Madhya Pradesh.

- Prime Point Srinivasan


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Prime Point Foundation

Prime Point Foundation is a non-profit Trust incepted in December 1999, to create Communication awareness among all the people.

K Srinivasan (Communication Strategist ) is the Founder and Chairman the Trust.
  • The Foundation offers Training, workshop on all Communication related subjects, including Image (Perception)  Audit.
  • The Foundation publishes a monthly eMagazine PreSense since March 2006.
  • The eMagazine PreSense has five initiatives. viz (1) Education Loan Task Force (ELTF), (2) Sansad Ratna Awards, (3) Next Gen Political Leaders (NGPL), (4) Digital Security Association of India (DiSAI) and (5) Digital Journalists Association of India (DiJAI).
  • Every year, the Foundation honours the outstanding Parliamentarians with Sansad Ratna Awards
Profile of K. Srinivasan may be downloaded from http://www.prpoint.com/profile/srinivasan.pdf

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