Monday, 19 April 2004
Drafting of Press Release - Workshop
A workshop was held on Sunday the 18th April 2004 at Chennai on the topic "What is wrong with our press releases? - Drafting of effective press release". Around 20 Public Relations professionals participated in the half-day workshop.
Mr K. Srinivasan, Chairman of the Foundation welcomed the participants and spoke about the differences between journalists way of writing and Public Relations officials' way of writing.
Mr Prakash M Swamy, one of the senior journalists of the city talked about the various mistakes committed by the PR professionals while drafting the press releases.
Do you want to download the background materials circulated to the participants?
Click here for downloading (pdf file)
Mr R Nuruallah, another senior journalist and working in Dinamalar, a leading Tamil daily spoke about the various mistakes committed by the PR professionals while sending the press releases in regional languages.
Mr T P Sridharan, Business Editor of Daily Thanthi, another leading Tamil daily spoke about the importance of business press releases in regional languages. He also showed the way as to how good press releases could be made in regional languages.