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  • Sansad Ratna Awards

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Saturday, 11 December 2010

Convergence of print and web media - A discussion

Adiya Sinha, Sudarshan, K. Srinivasan
All India Radio, Chennai broadcast a discussion programme on 9th December 2010 on the topic "Print and Web".  Mr Aditya Sinha, Editor in Chief of New Indian Express and K. Srinivasan, Chairman of Prime Point Foundation participated in the discussion.  
In this programme, both discussed about the convergence of print and web media.  
The programme was produced by Mr Sudarshan of All India Radio.
Please listen to the audio (13 minutes) by clicking the 'play' button. The streaming of the audio will be comfortable in broadband connections.  If streaming is not smooth, you may also download the audio (12 mb) by right clicking this link and saving the file in mp3 format to your desktop.

This audio may also be listened from the following link.

Saturday, 4 December 2010

All India Radio trains their producers to attract youth

K. Srinivasan addressing
the participants
Staff Training Institute of Prasar Bharathi, Bhubaneshwar organised a five-day workshop for the producers of All India Radio (AIR), drawn from various states.  The workshop was held at the studios of All India Radio, Chennai.  The focus of the workshop was to discuss the strategies of packaging programmes for youth, to attract more youth towards AIR.  The course was designed and conducted by Ms Rashmi Pradhan, Deputy Director of the Institute.
While, all the private broadcasters focus mostly on entertainment and sensationalism, AIR has been silently producing and broadcasting many useful and innovative programmes for the benefit of all sections of the society.  Presently, we talk about tele-conferencing in the broadcast media.  I know personally well, way back in 1978 or 1979, All India Radio, Chennai organised an innovative live discussion programme simultaneously with the people on ship, plane and ground, using the then available technology. At that time, all the media appreciated the efforts of AIR and Dr Sridhar, then young producer  of AIR for this innovative  programme. 
As public broadcaster, they have large infrastructure, skills, technology, etc.  But very unfortunately, due to various reasons, they are not able to compete with the private broadcasters and have lost leadership  over the decade.  They need to re-package their excellent programmes, to reach the young audience. 
With this background, the five-day workshop organised by Prasar Bharathi is significant to train their producers to re-orient themselves and to compete with the new generation broadcasters.  
I was invited to talk on 3rd December 2010,  on the theme, "internet radio and podcasting".  In my talk, i was focussing on the current trend in the internet growth and how AIR can make use of the internet through streaming and also through archiving their programmes.  
If All India Radio management changes their century old mindset and adopt the  policy of using the modern technologies properly, they can give a run for the private broadcasters.  With more than 80 years of broadcasting experience, AIR can do wonders.  
Please watch the photo stream.

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Communicating with the past employees - Corporation Bank way

Retired officers of
 Corporation Bank @Chenna
If any organisation feels proud about their current status, it is mainly because of the hundreds of faceless past employees.  Unlike the new-generation companies, the employees in public sector serve the organisations for long years and they retire after serving a minimum of 25 to 30 years.  Rarely, the managements of public sector organisations, including public sector banks realise the contriutions made by thousands of such faceless people, who were responsible for taking their organisation to the present level.  

I am an ex-senior official of Corporation Bank.  After serving nearly 25 years, I took voluntary retirement in 1998, to start my own on communication agency and media venture.  Last week, i was pleasantly surprised to receive a nicely worded letter from Mr Basti Narayan Shenoy, General Manager of Corporation Bank, Zonal Office at Chennai inviting me for a Diwali get-together on 6th November 2010 evening in the bank premises.  I also understood, he had invited other retired officials  for this get-together.  

The letter from Mr Shenoy said, "Every time we do well and our bank dons another feather in its cap, our thoughts veer around to you all, who have toiled so tirelessly and relentlessly to build a strong foundation and edifice of our bank.  Whatever the bank is now is in no small measure due to your contribution. ........"

When I received this letter, though I was rejoicing over the nice gesture shown by the Zonal Manager and his team, i could not resist going back in my memory lane to the bitter experiences, I suffered, when I left the bank in 1998.
Normally, Corporation Bank used to be in the habit of harassing the officials, when they put up their papers in the middle of their service.  Though, I had contributed substantially for the image building of the bank, I decided to quit the bank under normal scheme of VRS, for starting my own communication and media outfit.  

Then only, I could see the real ugly face of their HR.  After suffering harassment, i had to leave the institution, which I served nearly 25 years, with heavy heart. (I will write about the harassment story separately in  the next posting). Though Corporation Bank used to be No 1 in the business, with the support of their staff members, they never used to connect with their past employees.

When I was talking over phone with Mr T R Bhat, former Chairman of Corporation Bank Officers Organisation, he also recalled an incident when a retired General Manger of the Bank (retired after  40 years of service) wanted to meet the then Chairman Mr J M Garg, to invite him for the Foundation Day of the retired Officers Association, the Chairman of the bank did not even give him the appointment.  

Such 'unfriendly and indifferent' attitude of the top management always sends a strong feeling among the present  employees that they are being used as  'business tools', rather than 'human being'.

When the Bank was celebrating the 100th year, sadly, none of the past employees were invited for the grand celebrations held by the bank at different centres, though they had the complete database.  The Bank had spent huge amount for providing 'gold coins' to their current employees.  In a Bank with  nearly 13,000 employees, the retired and past surviving employees with dedicated services of more than 25 or 30 years would be hardly 500 persons  across the country.  

When they spend crores of rupees on the lavish celebrations to project themselves, an invitation costing Rs.10/- would have enormously and emotionally increased the conectivity and goodwill of the past employees and their family members with the bank.  Even a small  parker pen with inscription of the great moment in the history of the bank, would have been a life long memory and recognition for those, who built the organisation stone by stone and brick by brick.  

For the past 12 years, I was suffering in silence about the poor and ugly HR face of Corporation Bank Management.  The get-together on 6th November, gave me mental comfort for my 12 year old hurt feelings.  
As a Communication professional, I feel that past employees can still support the organistion through their wisdom and experience, without much expectations.  What they need is only 'emotional connectivity'.   
Normally, good things flow from 'top to bottom'.  In this case, Chennai Zone has made a good beginning.  Hope this will escalate  from 'bottom to top'. Head Office of the Bank and other Zones will start the 'emotional connectivity' with past employees.  

Hope Mr Ramnath Pradeep, the new Chairman, will give new dimension to the HR policies of the Bank and connect with the past employees, for betterment of the bank. This will send a strong message both internally and externally. 
Please see the photo show.

Monday, 25 October 2010

Podcasting - an alternate media: A session by a journalist group 'Sigaram'

K. Srinivasan making
presentation on Podcasting
Around 50 journalists from print and broadcast media have joined together at Chennai (India) to form an informal group 'Sigaram' (meaning 'Peak' in English).  Through Sigaram,  they want to create awareness about the positive development  journalism and also to update the skills of journalists to suit the modern requirements.  Sigaram was formed three months back.  Mr Jana (Jaya TV), Mr Anantha Padmanabhan (Kalaignar TV), Mr Veda Sridhar (Freelancer) and few others have taken initiative to create this forum. Every month, they invite one expert to share the views and to enhance their skills. 
The organisers invited me to address their members on 24th October 2010 on "Podcasting - An alternate media".  In the session spanning over two hours, I focussed on the following:
1.  Though freedom of press and expression is being talked i high pitch, in reality, freedom of expression in main line media is more market driven and for fear of losing advertisement and market, mainline media owners do not allow their journalists full freedom.  I also quoted some examples of some instances, which were not reported by any mainline media, but got circulated only in social media.  This phenomenon has created more importance to social media and citizen journalism.
2.  I also focussed on the emergence of podcast as a powerful supplementary and alternate media to mainline media.  I also quoted and screened some of the podcasts, which were picked by mainline media. 
3.  I also explained how a podcast could be created and uploaded using simple tools, without any expenditure.
The programme was held in Jayagopal Garodia Vivekananda Vidyalaya, Anna Nagar. 
Around 30 Senior  journalists attended the programme.  
Mr Jana, President of Siigaram can be contacted at nellaijana@gmail.comPlease see the pictures.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

India's global leadership in nuclear energy discussed in PSPR Forum

Dr M R Srinivasan, Former Chairman,
Atomic Energy Commission
Public Sector Public Relations Forum (PSPR Forum) organised a programme on 8th October 2010 at the newly inaugurated Anna Centenary Library at Chennai. Former Atomic Energy Commission Chairman Dr M R Srinivasan spoke on the India's leadership in nuclear energy sector and the importance of nuclear energy in the development of the nation. Dr Srinivasan is also presently the member of Atomic Energy Commission. 
The programme was held in the newly built Anna Centenary Library, which was inaugurated last month.  This new-gen library houses more than 12 lakhs books and is the seocnd largest hi-tech library in Asia, next to Singapore.  
Public Sector PR Forum was launched in 1995, to bring together all the Communication professionals of the Public Sector organisations operating in Tamilnadu.  Over a period of 15 years, the Forum has contributed significantly to create communication awareness among the Public Sector organistions.  
The contributions made by the Advisor Mr Hariprasad (Chennai Port Trust),   President Mr S Ansar Shah (Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd) and the Secretary Mr Vaidyanathan (UCO Bank) in the growth of this Forum is highly significant.  Now that, both President and Secretary have retired from their services, the batons have now been handed over to a new team headed by Mr Vaidynathan (Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd).  Mr Daniel Chellappa (Atomic Energy Commission) will be the new Secretary and Mr Ravi (Tamilnadu Tourism Corporation) will be the Joint Secrertary.  We wish the new team a great success.  
Please watch the photographs of the event and the new-gen library.

Sunday, 19 September 2010

National Media Conference 2010 - Valedictory Session

K.Srinivasan and Susan Koshy reporting live from Mt.Abu.

The Valedictory function commenced with a welcome dance by a young girl, Akankshya Mishra of Orissa.

The Valedictory Session on the topic "Media Action Plan for a New Social Order" has the following panelists on the dais to talk on it:

Guests of Honour -
S.S.Tripathy, President, All India Small Newspapers Association, Lucknow
Prof.Ujjwal K.Choudhary,Executive Director, School of Communication, Institute of Business and Media, Pune
Prof.Mufti Mohd Haroon Nadvi ji, President, Zamiat - Ulama Hind (Dist.Jalgaon), Jalgaon.

Presentation of Action Plan - B.K.Atam Prakash, National Coordinator, Media Wing, Mt.Abu

Coordinator - B.K.Dr.Savita, Sr.Rajyoga Teacher, Mt.Abu.

The panelists deliberated on the topic and the following media resolution and action plan is proposed:
- restore pre-independence India's media ethics and values in present day journalistic practice and profession.
- enhance media freedom by reverting to its pristine role of guiding and showing right path to human society.
- not treat media as reflector of ills of society
- strengthen and spread culture of development communication.
- discourage sensationalism in mass communication.
- extend media's support to social organisations which aim at integrity.
- support wider usage of cyber media for holistic development of the nation.
- live up to the expectations of Indian democracy, as fourth estate.

The event ends with a vote of thanks by B.K.Gangadhar, Jt.Editor, Om Shanti Media, Mt.Abu.

National Media Conference 2010 - Podcast Workshop : 190910

Susan Koshy reporting from Mt.Abu.

K.Srinivasan, Editor, PodUniversal, Chennai (www.poduniversal.com) held a workshop on the intricacies of podcasting.

B.K.Shikha coordinated the event.

After a theoretical session about podcasting, Srinivasan demonstrated a live podcasting. B.K.Binny, Manager, Public Relations & Mass Media, Global Hospital, Mt.Abu was invited to give an interview on Stress-free Living. Dr.Sanddhya of Pune was invited from the audience to interview Binny Ji. The interview was recorded in an MP3 recorder.

Kunal Panchal of Mumbai, from the audience did the editing of the recording under the guidance of Srinivasan, for uploading on youtube website.

National Media Conference 2010 - Panel Discussion : 190910

K.Srinivasan reporting live from Mt.Abu.

A Panel Discussion on the topic "Is Mass Media in Mess".

B.K.Sushant, National Coordinator,  Media Wing, Delhi
Madhukar Dwivedi, Editor, Mahamedha Daily, Bhopal
Dr.Manoj Lodha, HOD, Dept of Journalism and Mass Communication, North Gujarat University, Patan
Susan Koshy, Former General Manager, IDBI, & Trainer, Corporate Communications, Chennai
Anjana Yatnoor, Station Director-Incharge, All India Radio, Gulbarga
Chairperson - Prof Kamal Dixit, National Coordinator, Society of Media Initiative for Values, Bhopal
Coordinator - B.K.Komal, Executive Member, Media Wing, Mt.Abu

The panelists were of the opinion that media was not in a mess, although one of them opined in jest that the media instead created the mess.

There was a question and answer session before the conclusion of the discussions.

National Media Conference 2010 - Plenary Session II : 190910

Good morning. K.Srinivasan and Susan Koshy reporting live from Mount Abu.

The day's events has started with the second plenary session on the topic "Good Governance & Mass Media".

Panelists are:

Keynote Speech - Prof. K.C.Mouli, Faculty, PRr& Advertising, Makhanlal Chaturvedi National Univ of Journalism, Bhopal
Guest of Honour -K.D.Chandola, member, Central Press Accredition Committee (PIB) New Delhi
Guided Meditation -Rajyogini B.K.Ranjan, Zonal Coordinator, Media Wing (Gujarat), Valsad
Coordinator - B.K.Nandini, Jt.Zonal Coordinator, Media Wing (Gujarat), Ahmedabad
Chairperson -Rajyogini Dadi Ratan Mohini Ji

Dr. Bhanawat emphasised the role of the media in changing the society through its communication.

Prof Mouli covered the impact of politicisation of public services, tarnishing the good governance model of these services. Media enjoys the status of fourth estate, the fourth pillar of democracy and therefore plays a responsible role in exposing any flaw in any governance. It enjoys the power of freedom of speech that the other three estates do not really enjoy. Instead it has in some way relegated its role to the background.
Media is also guilty of mercenary writing and paid news. Media has to revisit its values, role and responsibility in ensuring good governance in the country.

K.D.Chandola dwelled on the various points of good governance that one should adhere to while executing one's duties.

Rajyogini B.K.Ranjan has taken the stand for a guided meditation session with the delegates.

Please keep checking by periodical refreshing of the page...

Saturday, 18 September 2010

National Media Conference - Dialogues Sessions - 180910

K.Srinivasan and Susan Koshy reporting live from Mount Abu.

A series of Dialogue Sessions were held in the afternoon. There were five sessions held concurrently in the campus of the centre of the Brahmakumaris, Shanthivan. Each of the five sessions were handled by a panel of professional experts, deliberating on the topic, "Media Values & Strategies for Positive Change", each with a focus on the print, electronic and cyber media, and PR professionals respectively.

A synopsis of the discussions was presented later in the evening.

National Media Conference 2010 - Plenary Session - 180910

Professor U.K.Choudhary, Executive Director, International School of Business and Media, Pune continues the live blogging.

Prof Kamal Dixit earlier with Makhanlal Journalism University denounced the reflection of blatant violence in media in the name of mirroring the society. However, the decay of the civil society and the fall of the state are responsible for series of bad news.

Quoting Alvin Toeffler he espoused the role and impact of media. He urged the media not to be a blind mirror. The reflection has to be socially responsible. He lamented that the vision of pre and post independence years has gone down in media today.

Human values in civil society and politics need to be re-championed to make the right reflection in media. Further, media by itself can take a lead in changing these values. Corporatization and profit-maximization of media cannot do this job, cannot fulfill this expectation of a change in the civil society.

Gandhi, Tilak and Makhanlal Chaturvedi were writers and editors of courage, they truly represented the civil society. Their internal strength impacted on their journalism.

Prof Dixit ended by noting that he is optimistic about the future role and impact of a positive media in India. He quoted Dushyant noting that creating social unrest is not his goal, but social change is my goal, and wherever the fire of transformation burns, my our your heart, let it continue burning.
Yogesh Joshi, heading Association of Business Communicators of India, and GM Corporate Communications, Tata Group, Bombay House, Mumbai.

Speaking in the second session of the first day of the National Media Conference in Shantivan, he noted that there has been a phenomenal rise of the middle class, and today around 30 percent of the people are below poverty line as against 50 percent during independence. But the rise of middle class has also marked the decline in social morals and personal spiritualism in the society, leading to virtually a state of social disorder. Mandal to Kamandal, no politics of the middle class has given any new social vision.

Chairman of the second plenary session: Dr C V Narasimha Reddy

Raja Ram Mohan Roy edited Sambandh Kaumudi and used this publication to raise opinion against satee pratha. We need new visionary media persons like that today.

Even the leading magazine today notes that the leading defects of Indian society are corruption, unproductive bureaucracy, and vision less politics. Should not the media go full hog on to expose these and put forth alternatives.

Four issues for change of society: Vision of Satya Yug, Golden Age. Even the Constitution of India gives a futuristic vision. The vision here is being put into practice through 18 departments. Let media understand the implement this vision,.

National Media Conference 2010 - Inauguration: Sep 18, 2010

K.Srinivasan, Prime Point Foundation, Chennai, and Susan Koshy, Vice-President, GFPR, Southern Zone, Chennai reporting live from Mount Abu.

The Conference Room is fast filling up with the delegates as the inaugural session starts with an invocation song. B.K.Shashi, National Coordinator, Sports Wing, Mt. Abu welcomes the delegation. The official delegates of Brahmakumaris are assembled on the dais to welcome Justicoe G.N.Ray, Chairman, Press Council of India as the Chief Guest.

Rajyogini B.K.Dadi JankiJi, Chief of Brahmakumaris, Mt.Abu, has now taken her place on the dais.

The welcome ceremony is being graced by a classical dance recital.

On the dais are Rajyogini B.K.Dadi JankiJi, Chief of Brahmakumaris, Mt.Abu, Justice G.N.Ray, Chairman, Press Council of India, B.K. Om Prakash, Chairperson, Media Wing, Indore, Rajyogi B.K.Nirwair, Secy Genl, Bhahmakumaris, Mt.Abu and Rajyogi B.K.Karuna, Director, PR, IT & Communication, Mount Abu.

B.K.Om Prakash is delivering his welcome address.

He is speaking on the significance of vision in life. The highlight of the current world is corruption and negativity. The media has an important role in influencing the change needed in the current world. Presently, the media gives prominence in their coverage of the 4 Cs, viz, crime, cinema, cricket and celebrities with their sensations not necessarily of the positive nature. The media need to input information and education. To effect this change in the society, we need to change our mindset first.

We need to empower our souls through Rajyoga, enabling us to be empowered from above. The  media should be able to give the products positively productive in the society.

B.K.Karuna is invited to the podium to deliver the objectives of the Conference.

He speaks of the 24/7 role of the media, where news is on real time basis. Thus the media is high activity and stress profession. Therefore, the delegates are invited to the Conference to share 'no news'. They are invited to refresh and be energised for a more efficient execution of work once back to office. Dadiji's slogan "Give happiness and get happiness". Peace is also news... better news. Therefore, seminars, panel discussions and dialogues have been arranged with this objective in mind. In conclusion, he requests the delegates to take advantage of this opportunity.

B.K.Nirwair, who is a senior brother in the Brahmakumaris, is invited to share his wisdom in his greetings.

Expressing a very warm welcome, he reminds that the Media Conference is conducted annually, and the event is becoming more significant every time. He congratulated those delegates who are attending more than the first time.

B.K.Nirwair touches on the New Society.The New Society is one  with the Supreme God. However, the newspapers including the one he holds in his hand, contains derogatory information about prominent personalities of the country. There needs to be a realisation for good news.

 The function continued with the lighting of candles by the principal guests on the dais.

Justice Ray is now delivering his address to the delegates. He recalls his visit to the Brahmakumaris' (BK) centres in India and abroad. He lauds the role of the BKs in bringing about a new society that is positive and energised.

He observes that while the media is churning out news on a real time basis, what is the type of news and its impact on the people of the country? He reminiscences on the history of the media, especially the print medium. Today, media has become corporatised and influenced by the market forces. Media has become insensitive. Large scale abrasions have taken place in the media especially in the big media houses. The media as the watchdog of the nation and the conscience of the society, has now changed. Media has now trivialised news for the sake of sensation.

The media has a responsibility its reporting. This is generally not being observed due to the deterioration of values at work. He appears to the media to adhere to values in work. Profit will follow. As the fourth estate and the conscience keeper of the society, vision is primary. Values is primary. He appeals to the delegates to take a look at the state of affairs of the media. He expresses shock at the abrasion of the values by the media houses who resorted to paid reporting in the previous year's elections.

He feels communications is tainted in India. He appeals for serious introspection in media, before the society decides 'this much and no more' in tolerance of the media's tainted image. It is the solemn duty of
the media to adhere to values and ethics.

 Rajyogini B.K.Dadi Janki Ji is being invited to share her words of wisdom and her blessings. She is a tireless, 94-year old active and energised person who still travels round the world, meeting spiritual delegates.

Dadiji said she says 'Om Shanthi' thrice - one to say 'What am I', second is 'Who am I' and third 'Why am I'.

She talks of the teachings of the Supreme Father. She says in spite of reading the many scriptures since 5 years old, she felt ignorant. Today, touching on the compliment that she is of stable mind in spite of her age, she says her focus in life is clear. Be not deceived and do not deceive. We must 'realise' ie. look internally at ourselves. We may be aware about others. We must instead be looking internally and be honest with ourselves. We must transform to be transparent and be truthful. This leads to happiness and removes depression. When we transform and improve, the world will transform and improve. What we need to do, we need to do today and not postpone. Baba used to say, 'if not now, then never'.

We need peace and love. Where there is peace, there is power. We need courage and patience too. With the power to lead the life, we need to lead others to peace. Let us recognise ourselves as children of God.

She concluded with a three-minute silence and meditation with the delegates.

The function concluded.

Friday, 17 September 2010

National Media Conference 2010 - Live Blogging - 17 Sep 2010

K. Srinivasan, Prime Point (Chennai) and Susan Koshy (Vice President, Southern Zone of Global Forum for Public Relations GFPR) reporting live from Mount Abu, Rajasthan.

It is past six o'clock in a shower-blessed evening at the Brahmakumaris' Centre, Shanthivan when the delegates from the media are given a warm reception. We find the attendance of several hundreds of them at the venue.

A prayer song has just been delivered followed by a colourful and animated dance recital.

B.K.Atam Prakash, National Coordinator, Media Wing, Mount Abu in his welcome address said that there has been various revolutionary changes that has taken place in India. However, the most important revolutionary change for our betterment is the imbibing of values in our lives.

Rajyogini Dr.B.K.Nirmala, Director, Gyan Sarovar Academy, Mount Abu, has given an inspirational talk as a blessing on the occasion.

B.K.Mrutujaya, Vice Chairperson, Education Wing, Brahmakumaris has now taken over at the podium, briefing the audience about the history, purpose and value beliefs of the Brahmakumaris. He is emphasising the role of the Brahmakumaris in bringing about a value-based education to the current generation of students.

He emphasises the importance of positive thinking and moral values while imparting education.

He heralds the role of the media as the medium in bringing the kind of news that influences people in their thinking, opinion and approach. The media therefore are moral guides. In the current world, deceit and corruption are being tolerated.

A proactive role by the media can influence in a big way in bringing back good life values. If we become source of spiritual light to eradicate the moral pollution, we can bring India back to its original spiritual glory, and also a new social world, clean from spiritual contamination. Thus B.K.Mrutujaya concluded his talk on a motivational note.

Rajyogini B.K.Usha, Sr.Rajyoga Teacher & Management Trainer, Brahmakumaris, in her greetings to the delegates, emphasises the importance of vision in our living. She says that a clear vision in our life would enable us to lead a purposeful life. The media has a crucial role in creating an awareness among the people about this. The media has a great responsibility in influencing the people positively with messages of peace and prosperity in order to establish a new society. There was a purpose in the delegates being in the profession of media broadcasting. This unique capability and responsibility has been recognised by God. The delegates need to recognise their responsibility.

People these days are wanting to experiment and do new things and new ventures. The media people can guide these people in their mission by guiding them through value based reporting and creating of proper awareness among them.

While conveying her good wishes to the delegates, she implores them to develop good attitudes and powerful thinking through meditation, which helps in this direction.

Rajyogi B.K.Munni, Programme Director, Brahmakumaris, Mount Abu says the place the delegates have arrived to is a pilgrimage centre, where one leaves something and also takes something from it. She asks them to leave behind any burden that they might have in life and might have carried along with them. And she implores them to take good from their experience during their stay here. Rajyogi Munni says she has been lucky to be associated with Gandhiji during his time and also with the Dadi Prakash Mani of the Brahmakumaris. She was glad to say that the Brahmakumaris has grown to be present in 8500 centres in over 130 countries with over 22000 dedicated brahmakumaris serving.

B.K.Karamchand, Zonal Coordinator, Chandigarh is presenting his vote of thanks. He says all the media should have an inculcation of positive approach, and play a role in uniting India, remove hypocricy in the society and influence it towards value-based existence. For this, the media should have a value-based working.

There will be panel discussions and dialogues during the two-day media conference. There will be dialogues for the print and electronic media, IT and PR. He is requesting the delegates to attend the morning sessions from 7am.  The centre houses the world's largest solar energy plant, as well as its 25000-capacity auditorium. He concluded with a request to the delegates for active participation during the conference.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

National Media Conference 2010 - Live Blogging Begins

K.Srinivasan reporting from Mount Abu - September 16, 2010.

Mount Abu is getting ready for hosting the National Media Conference 2010. About 2000 media, PR and communication professionals are expected to participate in the three-day conference. A grand reception is being planned for the delegates on September 17th evening. On September 18th morning, Janki Dadi (94 years), Chief of Brahmakumaris, will be inaugurating the sessions. On September 17th and 18th, they have planned various panel discussions, workshops, dialogues and cultural sessions.We will be reporting live from the venue on the proceedings.

We have taken a podcast interview from Br.B.K.Karuna, Director, PR, IT and Communications, who is the livewire of this event, on the upcoming events. Please watch his interview

Sunday, 29 August 2010

Communication skills needed for career growth

Society for Technical Communication, India organised their Chennai Regional Conference on Saturday the 28th August 2010.  I was also invited to be one of the speakers.  I made a presentation on "Communication Skills needed for career growth".  I was quickly covering the various aspects of communication skills needed for the present day youth.  Please see the pictures.

This is the presentation made by me.

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Spare two hours a week, to achieve Vision 2020

ECE Department of VelTech Dr RR & Dr SR Technical University, Chennai organised a National Technical Symposium known as OMZOIC 10, on 14th August 2010,  inviting students from different engineering colleges.  More than 600 students participated in the event.   I was invited by them to be the Guest of Honour during the inauguration.  Dr Rangarajan, Chancellor and Founder of the University was also present.
K. Srinivasan addressing
The event was organised in a professional manner.  The multimedia presentation (short film) made by the ECE students was highly professional.  Since, it was held on the eve of Independence Day, they had requested me to talk on the role of youth in achieving Vision 2020.
In my short speech of 7 minutes, I reminded the students of the struggle made by our freedom fighters and the role of youngsters in achieving the dream of our elders.  Among other things, I appealed to the students to spare two hours a week for the society, so that we could achieve our Vision 2020 easily.  Please listen to my speech by clicking 'play' button.
This can also be watched from the following link:

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Inaugural session of Business Communication Course at Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan

After the formal launch by Dr Dr Abdul Kalam and inspiring welcome speech by  Mr T S Krishnamurthy, former Chief Election Commissioner of India and Chairman of Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan on 10th July 2010, the regular sessions started on Sunday the 11th July 2010. Inaugural talk by   Mr P K Doraiswamy  IAS (Retd), Former Chief Secretary to Government of AP and the Chairman of Board of Studies of the Bhavan  was an eye opener for the participants.   His inspiring  speech covered four pillars of communication namely  1) Technique , 2) Content , 3) Morale and 4) Context. The other members of Board of Studies also shared their views briefly during this opening session. 
Mr. V N  Gopalan , Former Director General of Defence accounts and presently the Director of Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan, Chennai  expressed the  importance of communication  covering 1) Choice of words 2) Tone 3) Body Language and shared his experience with Political leaders.
Prof V. Chandrasekar, covered many areas stressing upon importance of communication through ABC technique.  1) Accuracy 2) Brevity 3) Clarity.  His interpretation of  “Medium is Message” as “ Medium is Massage” and “Medium is Mass Age” was quite revealing.  He suggested the participants to read good quality news papers and watch good channels to improve the communication skills.  
Prof K. Prabakar expressed his views about the importance of communication in  his own style focussing on  positive thinking.
Mr.Srikanth, Managing Director, Diana Shutters Limited stressed the importance of brief and effective communication.
Ms.Meera Raghavendra Rao, a well known columnist expressed the critical  importance of communication quoting  her  real time experience from the Journalist perspective.
Program Director Mr K.Srinivasan and Academic coorinator Prof. S. Krishnamurthy managed the entire program for the day and fine tuned the course schedule, timings, Topics, and Attendance etc. in consultation with the participants to suit their requirement.  
I, on behalf of all the participants, thank all the organizers of this wonderful programme for their dedication to make this courese very successful one. Great effort from everyone.  I am sure this is  going to be the best course we have ever attended in our life.
Pl see the photo stream of the first day session of the course.
(contributed by Narayanan Sundararajan, a participant)

Dr Abdul Kalam launches Business Communication Course at Chennai

Dr Abdul Kalam, former President of India formally launched the skill based diploma course on Business Communication on 10th July 2010 evening at Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan, Chennai Kendra.  This course is designed for the working professionals to enhance their communication skills and to equip themselves for the competitive environment.  

The course commences on 11th July 2010.  This course is of 120 hours duration. Classes are held on Saturdays and Sundays (3 hours each) for 20 week ends.  Many experts from academic and industry are lined up to interact with the participants  (Bhavan has avoided the word students).  More details are available at http://bizbvb.blogspot.in/

On 10th July, Dr Abdul Kalam formally handed over two kits to two participants.  Capt. Bavicca Bharathi (youngest commercial pilot and commander in India) and Mr Kamalakanth, an IT professional received the kit from Dr Kalam.  (photo below)

Please watch the photo stream.

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Dr Abdul Kalam launches Business Communication Course at Chennai

Dr Abdul Kalam, former President of India formally launched the skill based diploma course on Business Communication on 10th July 2010 evening at Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan, Chennai Kendra.  This course is designed for the working professionals to enhance their communication skills and to equip themselves for the competitive environment.  
The course commences on 11th July 2010.  This course is of 120 hours duration.  Classes are held on Saturdays and Sundays (3 hours each) for 20 week ends.  Many experts from academic and industry are lined up to interact with the participants  (Bhavan has avoided the word students).  More details are available at www.bizbvb.co.cc.
On 10th July, Dr Abdul Kalam formally handed over two kits to two participants.  Capt. Bavicca Bharathi (youngest commercial pilot and commander in India) and Mr Kamalakanth, an IT professional received the kit from Dr Kalam.  (photo below)
Please watch the photo stream.

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Use social media tools for building customer relations and marketing

Photo and story courtesy: The Hindu Businessline
Our Bureau Chennai, June 9
The effective use of social media tools can help to improve customer relations and marketing, according to Mr K. Srinivasan, Editor of ezine, PReSense, and Podcast magazine, PodUniversal.

While delivering a lecture on ‘Presentation skills' at a BL Club event held at the Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nellore, he said corporate professionals needed to develop good presentation skills that would be needed both internally and externally. The idea was to convey the message to the audience in as brief a manner and with as much clarity as is possible, he said in his address to the MBA students of the institution.
As a social media evangelist, Mr Srinivasan added that the emergence of social media tools such as Twitter, Facebook, ezines and podcasts had changed the style and method of communication globally. A message that was earlier communicated in 1,000 words was now presented in 100 words. These social media tools provided companies a number of opportunities to present their products and services to a larger audience quickly.
“If professionals learn the techniques of these tools and use them for their presentations effectively, they can reach a wider audience and improve their business. The effective use of key words would also help the search engines. In fact, these tools are a great boon for marketing professionals. Unfortunately such tools are not properly used for marketing purposes in India due to a lack of knowledge,” he said.


Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Public Relations Council of India (PRCI): 4th Global Meet and Chanakya Awards

The Fourth global meet of Public Relation Council of India was held at Delhi on 3rd April 2010.  Many eminent personalities like Dr. Kiran Bedi, Mr. Mani Shankar Aiyer (former Union Minister), Mr. Bishma Narain Singh ( Former Union Minister and Governor) and Mr. Joginder Singh (Former Director, CBI) have participated and shared their experiences. 

PRCI's Chanakya Awards and collateral awards were also presented to the winners.  Some of the notable personalities  like Dr Kiran Bedi, Ms Burkha Dutt (NDTV), Dr C V Naraismha Reddy (PR Voice), Mr A G Agarwal (PR Communication Age),  Rajayogi B K Karunaji (Brahmakumaris, Mount Abu) were also the recipients of Chanakya Awards 2010.

Mr Anil Nayak (PRCI Bangalore Chapter), Mr B K Sahu (Zonal Chairman of PRCI, East Zone), Mr Krishna B Mariyanka (Executive Committee member of PRCI) and Hyderabad Chapter of PRCI were honoured for their best performance within PRCI.  Pune Chapter was honoured as the best promising chapter of PRCI.

We congratulate the Award winners and  Mr M B Jayaram and his team for their sustained efforts in promoting PR and Communciation through various Awards.  
Mr M B Jayaram may be contacted at jayrammb@gmail.com 


Sunday, 28 March 2010

ETHOS10 - An exciting Management event at Anna University

Ethos’10 provided an excellent platform for the budding managers of the future. The students proved their mettle through the various events lined up. This year, the DOMS (Department of Media Studies)  included guest lectures by eminent personalities of corporate arena, to enlighten the students on various issues pertaining to career choices, entrepreneurial suggestions, etc. The events were designed in such a manner to extract the best out of the students and test their managerial, communication, analytical and decision making skills which are vital for an MBA graduate. Thus students from different B-Schools participated in the event, Ethos’10 provided a chance for the students to find out where they stand and show them what needs to be done to improvise themselves.  
Ethos’10 had a plethora of events. 

The Negotium is the business quiz which tested the student’s intellect and their knowledge of the current affairs.

Board Room – the paper presentation brought out the original thoughts and ideas of students to the fore. 

For those political manic the Mock Parliament drilled out their governing skills. Mr. T.K.S. Elangovan, Honorable Member of Parliament presided over this highly charged event. 
Chanakya – The Best Manager picked up the best budding manager out of the participants from various institutions. 

Virtual Stocks and Shares was meant for thosefascinated by the stock market. Infinitas – the marketing event aimed to test the creativity and the marketing skills of the students. New Inc was an event for the promising entrepreneurs with innovative ideas to come out with an ‘out of the box’ business plan. 

Big Fight was an event which gave the students an opportunity to share the stage and debate with dignitaries from the corporate world. 
Eight events, prizes worth one lakh all at one place that’s ETHOS’10.This event was an intriguing challenge to the MBA grads at DOMS, Anna University.  

For further details, contact the Ethos team at ethos2010.doms@gmail.com or the websitewww.ethos10.com. You can also contact Dr. Fatima Jacob, Ethos Coordinator @ 9840523938.

(Report by Divya, I Year MBA, DOMS, Anna University)

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Prime Point Foundation

Prime Point Foundation is a non-profit Trust incepted in December 1999, to create Communication awareness among all the people.

K Srinivasan (Communication Strategist ) is the Founder and Chairman the Trust.
  • The Foundation offers Training, workshop on all Communication related subjects, including Image (Perception)  Audit.
  • The Foundation publishes a monthly eMagazine PreSense since March 2006.
  • The eMagazine PreSense has five initiatives. viz (1) Education Loan Task Force (ELTF), (2) Sansad Ratna Awards, (3) Next Gen Political Leaders (NGPL), (4) Digital Security Association of India (DiSAI) and (5) Digital Journalists Association of India (DiJAI).
  • Every year, the Foundation honours the outstanding Parliamentarians with Sansad Ratna Awards
Profile of K. Srinivasan may be downloaded from http://www.prpoint.com/profile/srinivasan.pdf

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K. Srinivasan
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