Plenary Session II - 22nd September 9.30 AM to 11.30 AM
The Second day sessions started with the disussions on "Role of Mass Media in changing scenario". B K Nikunj (Chairman of GFPR, Mumbai) initiated the discussions. Prof. K C Mouli (Bhopal), Akshay Kumar (Former Director PR of Prime Minister of India), Devendra Patel (Consujlting Editor, Sandesh, Ahemadabad), Vijay Saihgal (Former Editor of Tribune, Chandigarh), K. Srinivasan (Prime Point, Chennai) shared their views. (see picture below)
Speakers emphasised that Media was not above law and they had to function with more responsibility to the society. One of the speakers pointed out that though the media was doing great job, they are caught like 'Abhimanyoo' in Mahabaratha war. They find it difficult to come out of the various influences. Another speaker pointed out that because of the reporting by media, the Courts have taken up the genuine cases suo-moto and punished the culprits. One speaker mentioned that the media is a double eduged weapon and needed to be handed carefully.
Social media came in for discussion. How the social media has started influencing the youngsters and the need for following cyber laws was also discussed. (In the picture below B K Nikunj is initiating the debate)
Panel Discussion - Need for socially committed media - 3.30 pm to 6 pm
In this session Prof. Pradeep Mathur (IIMC, Delhi), Madhurjee (CPRO, IIIT, Roorke), Jai Krishna Gaur (Govt. of MP, Bhopal), Anil Kumar Anal (Nepal), Shyam Kumar (Lucknow), Dr R L Jalan (Jaipur) parfticipated and shared their views. (picture see below)
Valedictory Session - Spritualism for holistic and sustainable development 6.30 pm 8.00 pm
B K Om Prakash, Chair Person of Meida Wing of Bramakumaris chaired the session. Dr V M Prasad (Jawaharlal Nehru Technical Univeristy, Hyderabad) delivered the valedictory address. B K Sarala (Vice President, GFPR) concluded the sessions.
Nine Point resolution was also passed. The resolutions demanded ethical and responsible reporting by the media; establishment of a Media Council; coordination of PR and Media for Nation building, etc. (see picture below)
A special mention need to be mentioned about the large contigent of delegates from Hyderabad, representing GFPR. They also demanded an one-day Public Relations Conclave at Hyderabad to enable the participation by South Indian professionals. (see picture below - Hyderabad delegates).
A mention has to be made about the environment and finest arrangements made to the delegates, including accommodation, food, meditation sessions, etc. Around 1600 delegates representing various Media and PR organisations participated in the two day Conference.
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