Internet has already come into our lives in a big way. Everybody knows that the full impact of Internet on us, is yet to come. Internet has made the world smaller and made so many people come together. Internet has become a place to share; share knowledge, share information, share views, share time, share feelings, etc. Internet has helped individuals, both in their personal and professional lives and it has also helped companies and corporates. Internet has reduced costs of communication, marketing, operations, management, etc. The Internet revolution has affected education, social life, businesses,Mr B Suresh Kamath, Chairman and Mg Director, Laser Soft Infosystems Ltd communication, and practically every aspect and segment of our lives.
The growth of Internet and its usage to today’s levels, has surpassed all previous projections and expectations. Internet will definitely become part of daily lives and we will be using Internet for most of our personal, professional and business requirements. Given the infinite possibilities and directions the Internet technology can take, it is difficult to conceive the extent and effect of Internet on our lives in the future, say five to ten years from now.
- Effects of Internet in future
- Following are few of the definite possibilities or effects of Internet in the years to come.
- Tremendous reduction in communication costs
- Reduction in travel time and costs
- Reduction in turnaround times
- Tremendous increase in information availability
- Reduction in marketing, operating and management costs
- Tremendous increase in trade thru Internet
- Increased reach for marketing and widening of the market space
- Increased job opportunities for people with different types of skill sets
- Access for education and information, even for people in remote and backward areas
- Effects of Internet on our lives and business
- Formation of increased number virtual universities, virtual businesses, virtual banks and financial institutions, entertainment companies etc
- Gradual bringing together of people of different nationalities and cultures
- Unification of various types of industries like : IT, Communication, Media, Entertainment, Education, etc
- Integration of devices and consumer durables like : Computers, TVs, Phones, Video Players, etc.
- Bringing of offices closer to homes.
- Emergence of certified Internet Identities for people (similar to social security numbers or Identity numbers)
Emergence of Internet will also bring in new worries for everybody. Most important of these are :
- Ensuring Security in all Internet based operations
- Cyber Law and application of rules and regulations to Internet
- Segregating good and bad in Internet usage
- Content certification and reliability of information available in the net
- Reduction of privacy and access to private information
- Usage of Internet for illegal and terrorist acts
Mr B Suresh Kamath - A Profile
Mr B Suresh Kamath is presently Chairman and Managing Director of Laser Soft Infosystems Limited, Chennai employing nearly 500 software professionals. Laser Soft has 8 development centres across the country and has developed 21 banking software products. Their software installed in more than 2500 installations of 22 public sector, private sector and multinational Banks transact more than 8000 crores per day. Laser Soft employs phsycially and economically challenged persons and converts them into extraordinary persons. Mr Kamath was awarded the 'Distinguished Alumni Award 2002' by Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai last year.
He can be contacted at
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